JWT-CPP v0.7.0
A header only library for creating and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in C++
▼Njwt | JSON Web Token |
▼Nalgorithm | Various cryptographic algorithms when working with JWT |
Cecdsa | Base class for ECDSA family of algorithms |
Ced25519 | |
Ced448 | |
Ceddsa | Base class for EdDSA family of algorithms |
Ces256 | |
Ces256k | |
Ces384 | |
Ces512 | |
Chmacsha | Base class for HMAC family of algorithms |
Chs256 | |
Chs384 | |
Chs512 | |
Cnone | "none" algorithm |
Cps256 | |
Cps384 | |
Cps512 | |
Cpss | Base class for PSS-RSA family of algorithms |
Crs256 | |
Crs384 | |
Crs512 | |
Crsa | Base class for RSA family of algorithms |
▼Nalphabet | Character maps when encoding and decoding |
▼Nhelper | |
Cbase64url_percent_encoding | A General purpose base64url alphabet respecting the URI Case Normalization |
Cbase64 | Valid list of character when working with Base64 |
Cbase64url | Valid list of character when working with Base64URL |
▼Nerror | Everything related to error codes issued by the library |
Cclaim_not_present_exception | |
Cecdsa_exception | |
Cinvalid_json_exception | |
Crsa_exception | |
Csignature_generation_exception | |
Csignature_verification_exception | |
Ctoken_verification_exception | |
▼Nhelper | A collection for working with certificates |
Cevp_pkey_handle | Handle class for EVP_PKEY structures |
▼Ntraits | Namespace containing all the json_trait implementations for a jwt::basic_claim |
Cboost_json | Basic_claim's JSON trait implementation for Boost.JSON |
▼Cdanielaparker_jsoncons | Basic_claim's JSON trait implementation for jsoncons |
Cobject_type | |
Ckazuho_picojson | Basic_claim's JSON trait implementation for picojson |
Cnlohmann_json | Basic_claim's JSON trait implementation for Modern C++ JSON |
▼Copen_source_parsers_jsoncpp | Basic_claim's JSON trait implementation for jsoncpp |
Carray_type | |
Cobject_type | |
▼Nverify_ops | |
Cdate_after_claim | |
Cdate_before_claim | |
Cequals_claim | |
Cinsensitive_string_claim | |
Cis_subset_claim | |
Cverify_context | |
Cbasic_claim | Class to store a generic JSON value as claim |
Cbuilder | |
Cdecoded_jwt | |
Cdefault_clock | |
Cheader | |
Cjwk | JSON Web Key |
Cjwks | JWK Set |
Cpayload | |
Cverifier |