
This repository is to contain my work for a Technical Report (ENGR 411) at Concordia University during the Fall 2018 Semester

Preliminary analysis of Anchore data

21 Nov 2018 - Christopher McArthur

I’m like a kid in a candy store, here’s some preliminary results that I’m finding in the data.

Fun result 1: Long scan time

Took 59min 52sec for static scanning on a 8GB image ( can not wait to compare with dynamic )

2018-11-21 05:28:04+0000 [-] [Thread-1790] [] [INFO] performing analysis on image: ['admin', '', '']
2018-11-21 06:27:56+0000 [-] [Thread-1790] [] [INFO] performing analysis on image complete:

Full Tag:

Fun result 2: Huge number of vulnerabilities

1300 vulnerabilities within this image ~25 are flagged as “high” critical however there are know fixes.

This really stood out to me because they have a lot of build tools being deployed with their image; and its these “build” packages which repeate a lot in the CVE database(s)… So, I dug up the Dockerfile they are building with ( located here ) Now this stand out to me a lot because I’ve used a solution to this unknowingly in an attempt to shrink my image size. I actually build my app in one container and copy the result into a deploy image. Here’s my Dockerfile